Einn kemur þá annar fer og allir ríða þeir skjótt um
One comes as another goes and they all ride swiftly
Video installation
26 minutes
Performed by Daníel Cassata, Fannar Arnarson, Jón Nordal and Viktor Pétur Hannesson
One comes as another goes and they all ride swiftly
Video installation
26 minutes
Performed by Daníel Cassata, Fannar Arnarson, Jón Nordal and Viktor Pétur Hannesson
Presented in Naflinn and at Platform Nord and Plan-B Art Festival.
Photographs by Hydar Dewachi and Plan-B Art Festival
Some years ago I was talking to a couple of women in their 90s. We talked about all sorts of things, but when we had discussed love and courtship for a short while, one of them jogged my arm gently and asked if I had a husband. I said I didn’t.
Photographs by Hydar Dewachi and Plan-B Art Festival
Some years ago I was talking to a couple of women in their 90s. We talked about all sorts of things, but when we had discussed love and courtship for a short while, one of them jogged my arm gently and asked if I had a husband. I said I didn’t.
“But then you must have a boyfriend?”. I didn’t know how to best answer the question so I muttered some objections. Eventually, I said that I had had a few but that none had stuck around for a very long time. She laughed at my awkwardness and told me not to worry about that too much, she then grinned and said: “One comes as another goes, and they all ride swiftly.”
Shot at Stóri-Kroppur
Shot at Stóri-Kroppur